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  • Blame Zeus - Sleep
    Iniciado por Kyrie
    Lido 476 vezes
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"Hate, I'm holding on to hate
Afraid I could relate
To the monster that's inside of me
I can't forget
What you said I wouldn't do
Right then I did to you
Clueless of the love I left behind

Once again
Every word is just a word that covers up the dirt
So this is all you're worth
Not me, I'm dead under the sea of lies and deceit
What can you see when you shut your eyes to...

Sleep, sleep, lay your head down, lay your head down

Stay, I'm begging you to stay
While time drags away
The happiness inside of me, it's a disgrace
How... it's easy to be mean
As cold as a machine
Spitting in your very pretty face

Once again
Every word is just a word that covers up the dirt
So this is all you're worth (you filthy little whore)
Not me, I'm dead under the sea of lies and deceit
What can you see when you shut your eyes?

Sleep, sleep, lay your head down, lay your head down

Careful with the broken glass
The mirror's gone, we're alone at last
We're finished now, there's nothing left
You've put a bullet right through my chest

Sleep, sleep, lay your head down, lay your head down
Não é demonstração de saúde ser bem ajustado a uma sociedade profundamente doente