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  • Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence
    Iniciado por Kyrie
    Lido 512 vezes
0 Membros e 1 Visitante estão a ver este tópico.

"...hear my words that I might teach you
take my arms that I might reach you"
but my words, like silent raindrops fell
and echoed in the wells, of silence

and the people bowed and prayed
to the neon god they made
and the sign flashed out its warning
in the words that it was forming
and the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
and tenement halls"
and whispered in the sounds of silence"
Não é demonstração de saúde ser bem ajustado a uma sociedade profundamente doente

Um clássico, uma grande música.  :)
Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow