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  • Medii - Be Somebody ft Heather Sommer
    Iniciado por trismegistus
    Lido 362 vezes
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Não é definitivamente o meu estilo musical, mas desta gostei muito, especialmente da voz da Heather e também a letra! Para vos animar um pouco a manhã:

Sitting on a bench, waiting for the time to pass
Dreaming of what happens next
I do what I wanna be, questioning my destiny
Only knowing what I see
I don't even realize I've already made a path
And I can change at any time
But can't can't take it back
I know what I want but it seems so damn far away

I know I sound crazy to the ones who settle
I know I empower those who dream like me
I know I sound crazy to the ones who settle
I know I empower those who dream like me