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  • Manowar - Heart of Steel
    Iniciado por Cassandra
    Lido 987 vezes
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"Cedo ou tarde você vai perceber, como eu, que há uma diferença entre conhecer o caminho e percorrer o caminho". 
(Morpheus, The Matrix)

Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try

Burn the bridge behind you
Leave no retreat
There's only one way home
Those who laugh and crowd the path
and cut each other's throats
Will fall like melting snow
They'll watch us rise with fire in our eyes
They'll bow their heads
Their hearts will hang low
Then we'll laugh and they will kneel
and know this heart of steel was
Too hard to break
Too hard to hold

Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
Não é demonstração de saúde ser bem ajustado a uma sociedade profundamente doente