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  • Mo Wax - A Lendária Britânica Label de "trip hop"
    Iniciado por Roavk Lifem
    Lido 708 vezes
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The Psychonauts - Time Machine - A Mo' Wax Restrospective Mix

A lista de musicas no album:

CitaçãoMo' Wax was a UK-based record label owned by James Lavelle, who founded it in 1992 with Tim Goldsworthy. Steve Finan became co-owner shortly after. The label came to recognition for being at the forefront of trip hop, turntablism and alternative hip hop during the mid-1990s. The label is also responsible for bringing attention to the graffiti artist Futura 2000 by using his artwork on many of its releases in the early to mid-1990s. Lavelle ended up signing partial ownership of Mo' Wax over to A&M Records (now part of the Universal Music Group) in 1996. Currently, some of the Mo' Wax catalogue is part of the Beggars Group, but there are rumors that the label itself has folded and is no longer putting out new releases.

The name 'Mo' Wax' is a shortened form of 'Mo' Wax Please',(...)

Uma lista de todos os musico que eles, Mo Wax, publicaram pelo mundo inteiro, principalmente Trip Hop:

Tashi Delek,