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  • Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir, o coro budista [Budismo Tibetano]
    Iniciado por Roavk Lifem
    Lido 859 vezes
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Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir

The Perfect Jewel- Sacred Chants of Tibet (Album)
Tibetan throat singing muito comum no antigo Tibet, utilizado em mantras. É um album cheio de magia.

Tibetan Chants for World Peace (Album)
Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir. Tibetan Chants for World Peace. White Swan Records (2008). Track list below. May all beings benefit!

[00:00] Mandala Offering
[03:33] Praising Chakrasamvara
[11:23] Blessing the Offerings
[35:30] Great Sacred Music

ॐ Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet ॐ
Tibetan Mantras For Turbulent Times (Album)

1. Invocation  3:48
2. Compassion: Om Mani Padme Hum  4:06
3. Purification: Om Benza Satto Hung  5:55
4. Buddha: Om Muni Muni Mahamuni Soha  7:18
5. White Tara: Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Mama Ah Yuh Pune Jana Putim Kuru Soha 11:18
6. Perfection: Teyata Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha 10:51
7. Wisdom: Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi Dhi Dhi  6:42
8. Healing: Teyata Om Bekanze Bekanze Mahabekanze Bekanze Radza Samutgate Soha 13:44
9. Prosperity: Om Zambala Za Len Drah Yeh Soha  5:04
10. Dedication 0:33

The Dalai Lama is, I believe, nothing less than the face of the Buddha of Compassion turned toward an endangered humanity, the incarnation of Avalokiteshvara not only for Tibet and not only for Buddhists, but for the whole world—in need, as never before, of healing compassion and of his example to total dedication to peace.

A vibração dos mantras alinham nos com o seu propósito, espero que gostem!