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  • Mantras - Ligação Divina [Drum And Bass]
    Iniciado por Roavk Lifem
    Lido 714 vezes
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Basic Ganpati Mantra

ॐ गम गणपतये नम:
Om Gam Ganpataye Namah

Meaning : It means bowing down to the Almighty Ganpati with all our existence and accepting all his great qualities in our self being.

Benefit : It wards off all the negativities from one's life before beginning any work. Chanting of this mantra ensures success in all the new ventures that one wishes to undertake.

Bija - गं  gaṃ | Devata - Ganesha | Meaning/Element - Bestows Happiness

Shiva Mantras

 Drum and Bass Mantra

 Basic mantra for Shiva connection

Benefits of Shiva Mantra
Shiva Mantra is mainly used to dispel fear; particularly the fear of change. Shiva mantra is chanted for the protection against diseases, sorrows, fears etc. Recitation of this Mantra gives success and Siddhis. Shiva Mantra has the power to boost a person's inner potential and strength. Shiva Mantra helps to cleanse the body, mind and soul of all the stress, rejection, failure, depression and other negative forces that we face in our daily lives. Shiva Mantra is to be chanted when one feels weak and drained of energy; both mental as well as physical. Shiva Mantra Japa is also an astrological remedy to ward of the negative influences of the Maraka planet in the birth horoscope.

Shiv Mantra (Panchakshari)
For the acquistion of salvation and destruction of fear of death this Shiv Mantra is best. This Shiva mantra is considered effective for the eradication of disease, sorrow, fear etc. Recitation of this Mantra gives success and Siddhis.

ॐ नमः शिवाय ।
Om Namah Shivaay

Bija - हौं   hauṃ | Devata - Shiva | Meaning/Element - Bestows Protection
