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  • Ramp - Alone
    Iniciado por TiagoValis
    Lido 894 vezes
0 Membros e 1 Visitante estão a ver este tópico.

I, feel the time, slowly drifting in my veins
Memories, remains
Confined, I'm alive, somewhere by the autumn leaves
Falling in between

'Cause no one's there to hold my head up high

No one's there to peace my mind
Alone, lies my soul, I'm so cold, I'm afraid
To find hollow life
Sleepless night, empty days

Opaque fading eyes stumble in my face
Through the crowd I forsake
Demised I'm aside weaked by the lonely haze
Of no point, no aim

'Cause no one's there to hold my head up high

No one's there, no one's there (no one's there...)
Alone, I'm afraid
To find hollow life
Sleepless nights, empty days


Gostei. Perfeita para companhia nesta noite...