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  • Jersey Devil na cultura musical americana
    Iniciado por Alex
    Lido 2.302 vezes
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Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen, cantor famoso de New Jersey, pegou no velho mito do New Jersey devil e deu-lhe esta forma musical:


"Intro: On a stormy night in 1735, Mother Leeds gave birth to her 13th child. The child was born normal, but transformed into a creature with hooves, a horse's head, bat wings, anda  forked tail. He inhabits the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey."

Hear me now!
I was born 13th child, 'neath the 13th moon
Spit out hungry and born anew
Daddy drag me to the river tie me in rocks
Throw me in where it's deep and wide
I go down, I don't die
Hole in the river bottom, I crawl through
Come back kill six brothers and sisters, kill Papa too
Sway down Mama, sway down low
They gonna know me wherever I go

Into my bed with her kerosene my mama creep
Set my flesh to burning, whilst I sleep
I burn, burn, burn, till my soul burn black
Black rains fall, I come back, I come back
Get down Mama, get down low
They gonna know me wherever I go

16 witches cast 16 spells
Make me guitar outta skin and human skull
Sing you a song like the wind in the sandy loam
Bring you baby out'cha your happy home

Ram's head, forked tail, clove hoof, love's my trail
I sup on your body, sip on your blood like wine
Out world theirs, this world mine
So kiss me baby till it hurts
God lost in heaven, we lost on earth
Sway down Mama, sway down low
They gonna know me wherever I go (yeah)
Wherever I go (yeah), wherever I go

Well I got a brand new lover
I love her, yes I do
Yeah she's my one and only and her name is Baby Blue
Now baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, blue
That's right
Whoah, ha!
Well now baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, blue

Este tema foi oferecido como download gratis no halloween passado.
O equilíbrio perfeito entre espírito aberto e cepticismo - procura-se.

(este vídeo não se encontra no youtube, acho que não dá para fazer este vídeo aparecer directamente no fórum. Mas o link é directo ao vídeo, não mostra mais nada.)
O equilíbrio perfeito entre espírito aberto e cepticismo - procura-se.

Muito brutal  :o
Adorei a letra.
Ideal para um filme de terror
Believe to see...