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  • [Humor] Se fosses um vampiro como te chamarias? (Em Inglês)
    Iniciado por MissTiny
    Lido 30.921 vezes
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Que giro, fica aqui o meu  :laugh:

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Adèle De Pompadour
Known in some parts of the world as: Curse of The Ghastly
Of this vampire the Great Archives record: Takes more than gold from the rich on the highway - takes blood too.

CitaçãoThe Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Chastity Belmont
Known in some parts of the world as:
Queen Regent of The Danube
Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
Amongst fire and ice, one who is hot and cold.

""Ha no homem algo de fundamental, que nao se consegue."

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Françoise Tremblay

Known in some parts of the world as:
Haunt of The Vrykolakas

Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
A traveller of travellers, of good humour but dangerous.   >:D
Preocupe-se mais com a sua consciência do que com sua reputação. Porque sua consciência é o que você é, e a sua reputação é o que os outros pensam de você. E o que os outros pensam, é irrelevante!

Uriel Bennett

Known in some parts of the world as: Archduke of Gomorrah

Of this vampire the Great Archives record: This one caused devastation along the banks of the Great River.

The Great Archives determine
that I have gone by the vampire identity:

Hanzi Fey

Known in some parts of the world as:
Lion of Scandinavia

Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
A philosophical and sophisticated creature,
who wants nothing more than to be left alone to observe life.
"O verdadeiro amor é como o aparecimento de um espírito: todos falam dele, mas poucos o viram." - La Rochefoucauld

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Émilie Arnauld

Known in some parts of the world as:
Semiramis of Seducers

Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
A sensual one who knows the flesh - and knows the blood.
Quando sou boa, sou boa, mas quando sou má, sou melhor ainda.

Fiz o meu nome outra vez e deu um nome diferente. :-\ Será que isto faz tipo random names, mesmo escrevendo os nossos nomes? E acho que da outra vez que fiz não tinha a opção de: Choose your vampire race..assim teremos todos dois nomes. :P
"Everybody Lies." House M.D.
There's no such thing as too late! That's why they invented death!

Fausto Matos
A minha resposta foi esta com a opção Gypsies and Wanderers:

Nick Wood
Known in some parts of the world as:
Prince of Maramures
Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
A servant of the devil - a mere drone of evil.

Sim, sim apenas um mero servo do Diabo >:D

A outra opção com French Aristocrats foi:

Émile Fourie
Known in some parts of the world as:
Prince of Maramures (Ucrânia\Romania 7000 A.C.), príncipe dos ucranianos ou "ciganos" no Neolitico por volta de 6500\7000 antes de cristo, mas o que é isto  :o
Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
The cursed and the curser - bringing downfall and ill favour to kings and peasants alike!
Trazer desgraças e doenças em favor dos reis ...

Que se lixe Vlad, o Empalador
E que se lixem os vampiros ... :(


...tudo a ver .... :D

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Clover Raven
Known in some parts of the world as:
Baroness of The Fallen Ones
Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
Beautiful, evil, seductive and dangerous!
"Listen: this world is the lunatic's sphere,
Don't always agree it's real,
Even with my feet upon it
And the postman knowing my door...
My address is somewhere else."

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity

Moll Sheridan

Known in some parts of the world as:
Leto of The Howling Wolves

Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
The purest evil of all evil, and evil comes in many forms!

pronto... é assim   :)
"Those We Love Never Die, Just Leave Before Us"

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Edith Shakespeare
Known in some parts of the world as: Maharani of The Nile
Of this vampire the Great Archives record: Slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet. :angel:

O equilíbrio consegue-se entre o que é espírito e o que não o é.

The Great Archives determine that I have gone by the vampire identity:
Alice Raven
Known in some parts of the world as:
Haunt of Hanging Ghosts
Of this vampire the Great Archives record:
Beautiful, evil, seductive and dangerous!