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    Iniciado por Fallen Phoenix
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Citação de: Ceinwyn em 09 janeiro, 2013, 15:17
ligeia também fazem cirurgias a esse órgão quando sofre «lesões» graves??? ;)

Fazem-se, pois: revascularização miocárdica, por exemplo  ;)
Mas existem lesões que o melhor mesmo é deixar sangrar...  ;D



Hoje dedico esta musica da grande Pink, escrita para o Sr George W. Bush, ao Sr. Pedro Passos Coelho e «amigos», aos Srs do FMI, á Troika e certos as devidas e óbvias ressalvas a certas partes da musica... ;)

Prontos hoje estou revoltada... >:D

Pink- Dear Mr President - Live

""Ha no homem algo de fundamental, que nao se consegue."

Dedico esta musica (fado)  :laugh: a uma pessoa muito especial que está longe e sinto muitas saudades ::)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Adema - The Way You Like It

"nowadays no one remembers
when they were young and stupid"


""Ha no homem algo de fundamental, que nao se consegue."

""Ha no homem algo de fundamental, que nao se consegue."

Mais uma ode à insanidade e perversão do ser humano. Que álbum! Gilles De Rais eternizado, pelos piores motivos; mas não deixa de ser um "ganda" álbum.  8) Love it  :-*

Cradle of Filth Midnight Shadows Crawl To Darken Councel with life

"Sometimes I beheaded them
with daggers, with poniards, with knives
Sometimes I suspended them in my room
from a pole or by a hook and chords and strangled them
And when they were languishing
I committed with them the evils of the flesh"

The evening air laps thick about
The stagnant moat that Tiffauges claims
As dusk now slips away
Where taught to run, the rotten tongue
Of a hotter Götterdämerung
Has started licking like a flame

Whispers in the dismal mist
Are full of crystal promises

Black rites begun in earnest
Ignite Hell's hungry furnace

Behold the bold inauguration of the darkside
Demonic passions climbing
Ill-fated stars aligning

Tonight these sights are guaranteed to feed the master
The tide of blood is rising
His gifts will be providing

Unmasked, the phantom lord De Rais
Haunts the furthest tower
Wherein death has sucked the hour

There, throttled gasps tantamount to foreplay
And drooling razors next to come
Unspool red secrets from the young

The moon grinned full, the games were chaste
When the children first arrived
Now midnight shadows crawl apace
To darken counsel with their lives

Flesh and ecstasy as sport
Are immortal vices of the highest order
Wherein devilry holds sway
Behind blind walls where these cockatrice squalled
Their songs of Necronomicon
Spoke out of Gilles De Rais

Each murdered son, each frozen rose
Handpicked, was gently fed
To the sumptuous one in black and those
Whose lives were thrown in with the dead

The candles lit, the stage was set
As it was in sainted days
When censers swung and banners hung
On the Siege of Orleans on the painted Seine

Now the castle floats in the drifting fog
Torn from it's moorings
Like a shipwreck dredged from Hell
As innocents entreat a shifting God
Their voices soaring
On a silver tide to heaven
On a knife edge as they fell

The blade would plunge in virulent arcs
Such wounds would stretch away
By the fireside, warmed to creative sparks
Of the monster Gilles De Rais

Gilded Gilles De Rais

Comets vomited
The restless bells of crime
Peeled back skin from broken bones
Of angels cut from the nicks of time

Festering faces with painted eyes
The prettiest kept to be thrust inside
Gaping necromantic from the mantle-side
Caked in kissed goodbyes

Days faded in decay
The stench of perfume lied
No horror in the glades of man
Was left for Barron to provide

So unique was the beat of his poisoned heart
And it's sordid, morbid crack
No further atrocity could possibly surpass
Unrewarded, bored, he turned his back

Cradle of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder

"This is the moment I go to God"

Burning like derision on the prism of night
Still squirming from the sermon, those determined parasites
Meant to overpower and bedizen his light
He paced his tower prison with a dissonant appetite
The moon was black

Devil may care
Three times he'd glared before his judges
Darkening there
With a Wormwood mind
And a gullet of poison

He thought the court a farce
His tongue as sharp as glass
A bastard to the last
This truth assassin...

..tautened his claws at the ruinous cast
Flexing vexation at clerics aghast
In uproar he caused the cross to be masked
And the hex of exile from God's Kingdom passed

Back in the mirror, shattered vanity died
The curse even clearer on the sanity side
Banished from the lavish tracts of paradise
From Heaven's shored poured to the sore divide

The moon was black

Devil may care
Their thunder sundered all his veils
Thickening there
His beligerent pulse
To a sickening crawl

He'd fostered wickedness
Fed vipers at his breast
Inflicted death's caress
So now to suffer...

He'd burn, discern
That his second turn
Would last for eternity
In reckoning flames

That night his plight marched in demented Parades
O'er a rainbow of black magic scars
The blood ran to fear, turned to torment in spades
Deep in the sleep of this heretic, barred

The nightmares were livid, occultist, depraved
His epiphany struggled to come
But dawn found him there, redemptive, prepared
Like Christ to Golgotha, his face to the sun

All fears were smeared
When Joan had appeared
In a shower of tears
Last vestige of innocence

Yearning for her vision of divinity
Of her miracles and dreamt lyrical deeds

He would meet her at the pyre as the fire kissed
And together they'd climb to God, entwined in bliss

Devil may care
He awed the court with a sworn confession
Quickening there
His radiant death
And acute renewal

The end was glorious
He went like Jesus trussed
To shadow and to dust
At the stroke of seven

With thieves at both his hands
The Reaper of these lands
Wept with holy plans
As he choked to heaven

Não faças aos outros o que não gostas que te façam a ti!

Nightwish - Angels Fall First (Legendado em Português)

Uma das minhas preferidas dos Nightwish, claro com a minha Diva (Tarja) quando ela ainda era vocalista deles.  :)
Não faças aos outros o que não gostas que te façam a ti!