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  • João Roque & Luis Vilbro - Ghosts (Sort Version)
    Iniciado por Tsering Gyurme
    Lido 909 vezes
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Música feita por mim e um amigo.
Electronic, Industrial, Goth e Glitch.

Deixem gosto se gostaram e partilhem com os vossos amigos!


There's no one home,
Yet you're still here,
Whispers in the silence,
Echoes drawing near.

Empty rooms hold secrets,
Shadows dance in grace,
Your presence fills the absence,
In this solitary space.

Ghosts of memories linger,
Faint traces in the air,
A haunting kind of solace,
In this solitude we share.

Silent conversations,
Unspoken words so clear,
In the quiet of this absence,
Your presence, ever near.
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." – Buddha
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