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  • Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in the Hills (1970s)
    Iniciado por Tsering Gyurme
    Lido 901 vezes
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Sibylle Baier é uma atriz e cantora folk alemã.

Baier aparece no filme Alice nas Cidades (1973), de Wim Wenders e tem participação na trilha sonora de Umarmungen und andere Sachen (1975), de Sydne Rome e de Palermo Shooting (2008), de Wim Wenders.

As habilidades musicais de Sibylle Baier foram reconhecidas em 2006 com o lançamento do álbum Colour Green, uma copilação de quatorze músicas gravadas em casa no início da década de 1970. Cerca de trinta anos depois, seu filho Robby fez cópias desse material para presentar familiares. Entretanto, Robby também entregou uma cópia para J Mascis, da banda Dinosaur Jr., que apresentou a gravação para o selo Orange Twin responsável pelo lançamento em fevereiro de 2006.

Everytime I shed tears
In the last past years
When I pass through the hills

Oh, what images return
Oh, I yearn
For the roots of the woods
That origin of all my strong and strange moods

I lost something in the hills
I lost something in the hills

I grew up in declivities
Others grow up in cities
Where first love and soul takes rise

There were times in my life
When I felt mad and deprived
And only the slopes gave me hope

When I pass through the leg high grass, I shall die
Under the jasmine, I shall die
In the elder tree
I need not try to prepare for a new coming day
Where is it that fills the deepness I feel?

You will say I'm not Robin the Hood
But how could I hide from top to foot

That I lost something in the hills
I lost something in the hills
Oh, I lost something in the hills

Now I lean on my windowsill
And I cry, though it's silly
And I'm dreaming of off and away

Oh, I know farther west, these hills exist
Marked by apple trees
Marked by a straight brook
That leads me wherever I want it to

Well I lost something in the hills
I lost something in the hills

Oh, I lost something in the hills
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." – Buddha
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