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  • Blind Zero - Then you wait
    Iniciado por Kyrie
    Lido 1.301 vezes
0 Membros e 1 Visitante estão a ver este tópico.
My whole life is staring
Stares at me from a place
Where you're a master of your guidance
The reflower of the dawn age
If there's a prize for lucky moments
Hope I won a time reload
What's the worth of measure chances
Mine is set ahead to blow...

...I'm caged in bad, lost bad and odd times
Moving, going down
Shuffling inside lost time
Willing to ease the flight...

...I dare an open smile, reload the
Charming spy
But then you wait
You dream to waste your life, dream
To set a alight
But then you wait
Não é demonstração de saúde ser bem ajustado a uma sociedade profundamente doente