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  • Fantasma na base aérea de Nellis
    Iniciado por xannaz
    Lido 1.363 vezes
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A base aérea de Nellis fica localizada a norte de Las Vegas e o seu nome provém em honra de Lieutenant William Harrell Nellis, que morreu durante a segunda guerra mundial na Batalha das Ardenas. Contudo, este mito nada tem a haver com William H. Nellis.

Este fantasma é muitas vezes avistado perto dos Bunkers da base de Nellis. Estes bunkers serviam, sobretudo, como elevadores que davam acesso a um sistema de túneis que permitiria carregar aviões secretamente.
Segundo depoimentos, é muitas vezes avistada uma figura feminina e/ou a audição de passos.

Este fantasma trata-se de uma mulher que, supostamente, cometeu suicídio dentro da base durante a primeira Guerra do Golfo. Segundo a historia, ela teria voltado de uma missão no deserto quando recebeu uma carta de que o marido se teria divorciado dela e ficado com a custódia da filha de 3 anos. Nesse dia, a soldada ia fazer um turno de segurança, que na altura eram feitos por apenas um pessoa em cada colocação, onde acabou por usar essa oportunidade de estar sozinha , pôs a sua espingarda em modo "burst", apontou-a à cabeça, premiu o gatilho e 3 tiros sucessivos puseram fim à sua vida.

Depoimento original (em inglês):

I have no reason to discredit the people who told me this story, and after some investigating I did, I fully believe this. I was stationed at Nellis AFB from 2000-2004, and this is just one of the many ghost stories I heard while there. I worked the night shift with the 99th Security Forces Operations, Law Enforcement. Two very trustworthy people related to me an occurrence of a ghost sighting. On the backside of the flightline there is what used to be, and still is called the Live Ordinance Loading Area (LOLA). At the back of the LOLA are three ''bunkers'', all empty, and all rumored to once be elevator shafts for a tunneling system which allowed bombs to covertly be loaded onto aircraft. My friends were parked in the back of one of the structures killing time when they started hearing footsteps around their vehicle. At first they played it off as being the coyotes that live in the area, but then the footsteps got louder and louder, as if someone wearing heavy boots were pacing
around their vehicle. Theyboth got out of the truck and took a look around the vehicle to see if it might be myself or on of our other friends playing a prank. When they saw nothing they got back into the truck and tried to start it up, but it wouldn't start. The footsteps, had stopped while they were out of the truck, but then continued just as soon as they tried to start the vehicle. Finally the truck started, and the headlights came on by themselves. I should note that the vehicle was not equipped with self running headlights. When they looked up to drive away, they were confronted with the image of a very bloody female wearing standard military BDU's. Freaked, my freinds threw the vehicle into reverse and backed out of the structure. Knowing that I believed in the paranormal, they both came to me and related the exact same story, without deviation I would say that all of this happened in September of 2003, if my memory serves me correctly. I did some asking around and came to find taht
during the first Gulf War a young female Security Forces member committed suicide in the very structure they had seen the ghostly form. The story behind her eventual suicide is a sad one. Apparently she had just gotten back from the desert, to find that her husband had filed for divorce and sole custody of their 3 year old daughter. At the time Security Forces flightline posts were manned by one person. Being alone, she took opportunity and set her rifle on ''burst'', she then pulled the trigger taking 3 succeeding rounds to her chin killing her instantly.

"Eu não preciso dos padres do mundo, porque não preciso do Deus do céu. Isto quer dizer, que tenho meu Deus dentro de mim" - Eça de Queirós
