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  • Música Para Todos Os Gostos
    Iniciado por Lunática
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Não quero desacreditar ninguém! Apenas faço o que pedem  . . . Opino!!!!

Uma música já velhinha (1989) mas sempre brutal de uma banda que sempre ficará para a história do metal,Sepultura.

Sepultura - Beneath The Remains

Beneath The Remains

In the middle of a war that was not started by me
Deep depression of the nuclear remains
I've never thought of, I've never thought about
This happening to me
Proliferations of ignorance
Orders that stand to destroy
Battlefields and slaughter
Now they mean my home and work

Who has won?
Who has died?
Beneath the remains

Cities in ruins
Bodies packed on minefields
Neurotic game of life and death
Now I can feel the end
Premonition about my final hour
A sad image of everything
Everything's so real

Who has won?
Who has died?

Everything happened so quickly
I felt I was about to leave hell
I'll fight for myself, for you,
But so what?

To feel a deep hate
To feel scared
But beyond that, to wish being at an end
Clotted blood
Mass mutilation
Hope for the future is only utopia

Mortality, insanity, fatality
You'll never want to feel what I've felt
Mediocrity, brutality, and falsity
It's just a world against me

Cities in ruins
Bodies packed on minefields
Neurotic game of life and death
Now I can feel the end
Premonition about my final hour
A sad image of everything
Everything's so real

Who has won?
Who has died?
Beneath the remains

Muita verdade nesta letra
Believe to see...

Dentro de um rapcore muito estranho bem ao estilo francês(malucos  :D) aqui fica Bawdy Festival

Believe to see...

Amo esta música!!!

Audio Bullys - We don't care

Mais uma banda que eu adoro: Machine Head  :)

Machine Head - Halo live @ Rock am Ring 2007
This is our call to arms
Will you stand beside me?
This is our time to fight
No more compromising
And this blackened heart will sing
For sad song of charity

Halo over my demise
Following a God so blind
Shallow in their sickening
Swallow not the ~s**t~ they feed, yeah

This is our right to life
Not religious right back
This is abortions knife
Aiming at the womb of
The Christian conspiracy
So open my eyes and see

The halo over my demise
Following a God so blind
Shallow in their sickening
Swallow not the ~s**t~ they feed

Let's aim for
Our time will come
Our time will come
Our time is now
Our time is now

And I won't pray for you
And I won't pray for you
And I won't pray for you

Halo, follow, shallow, swallow

Halo over our demise
Following a God so blind
Shallow in their sickening
Swallow not the ~s**t~ they feed
Set me free, oh

You'll never hold us down
I hope they ~s**t~ on you
Satisfaction denied to run, turn and cry
Cry, turn and cry, no cry, no cry, oh

Os Machine Head são uma banda de thrash metal formada em 1992 em Oakland na Califórnia (EUA).

Burn My Eyes (1994)
The More Things Change (1997)
The Burning Red (1999)
Supercharger (2001)
Hellalive (2003)
Through the Ashes of Empires (2004)
Elegies DVD (2005)
The Blackening (2007)

Radiohead forever! é a minha banda favorita!!
Aquilo que vemos e sentimos é uma minúscula parte da realidade!


Aqui fica uma banda que conheci há pouco tempo, mas da qual me tornei fã instantaneamente: The Agonist  :D

THE AGONIST - and Their Eulogies Sang Me to Sleep (OFFICIAL)
All I heard was the sound of fish who'd drowned.
All I saw was the inside of my eyelids.
All I said fell short of reaching open ears.

Words floating, clouding the view...
'See no, hear no, speak no evil' leaves you deaf, dumb and blind,
because the bad is all you'll find.
A deeply heart-felt goodbye to the part of me that died
when I decided to put others before me,
yes, my heart fell asleep - boredom and fatigue.
I always said I wanted to die smiling,
to pretend I'm at peace.
Now from my corpse beams a frigid, blank grin
and once hopeful eyes are sunken in.

Like a lullaby to the cradle is the eulogy to the casket.
All my flaws swept under the table
to grieve the porcelain doll that was me.

Their solemn songs sang me to sleep as my body escaped me.
Welcome down into the New World!
Happiness is being interred!

Such a shameful masquerade!
Fleeting, frozen minutes on display.
Why is evolution such a shameful thing to say?
Can you feel your bodily decay?

(Arms are beside me, hands open wide.
Seems I was living my life in rewind,
taking so many steps backwards, not looking behind.)

Because I can sure as hell feel my brain going blank.
If my body betrays me, there's pollution to thank.
This condition infects my cells like it controls my mind.
Internal army, defend me behind enemy lines!
Fragile vehicle of mine! Don't abandon me yet!
There is so much to live for that we so easily forget.

Fascination with the fear... The concept escapes me.
All encompassing fate...
how it wrenches our hearts, torments our souls
and sings us all to sleep to an eternal keep,
no matter what beliefs, it sweetly sings us all...

The Agonist é uma banda de metalcore do Canadá formada em 2005. As suas letras têm como tema principal os problemas do mundo.

Alissa White-Gluz - Vocalista
Danny Marino - Guitarra
Chris Kells - Baixo
Simon McKay - Bateria

Only Once Imagined (2007)
Lullabies For The Dormant Mind (2009)


Não sou seguidor nem fã de hip-hop, no entanto sempre gostei de Cypress Hill

O meu álbum preferido deles é Live At The Fillmore que foi lançado em 2000.

Aqui fica uma musica do álbum Till Death Do Us Part (2004).

cypress hill - what's your number
Let's go!

I met her at the club, her friend liked me but she didn't
She noticed a lot of girls giving up their phone digits
She didn't want to be one of those hoes in clothes
Exploiting the body from head to toes, she had glossy lips
She was swaying her hips on the dance floor and every nigga
Flashing the grips trying to impress her in vain
She gave no play, niggas tend to offer numbers and she said no way

I thought to myself, "Let it go, the girl on beat"
But like Smoky said,"She really had a hold on me"
I couldn't stop staring I started to fantasize with her
Voices in my head said, "She's tantalizing ya"
Even if I moved to the other side of the party
I had pictures in my head of her moving that body
I was beside myself with conquer pain
So I slowly walked over and I asked her name

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

She gave a smile but I got no answer though it took a while
Before she gave a chance, she's actin' cold
I offered her a drink, she turned me down flat
She said, "If you want my name, you gotta do better than that"
I said, "Okay, now your ~s**t~ don't stink"
I'ma walk away, only tried to buy you a drink"
As I began to walk away she said, "I'm sorry for real
But every guy in the club tries slipping me pills
I don't trust that each and everyone would lie to you"

I said "I understand but that's not what I tried to do
I wasn't even gonna go to your table but
If I didn't, I knew that I'd regret it later
I go after what I want but I got class
For me no need to slip a pill and if I want ass"
She gave me a funny look, I couldn't tell what it meant
She let her guard down and on the conversation went

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

She said, "I want a man with the plan and ambition"
Not an immature nigga on a pussy head mission
I'm too good for that, I have so much to offer
Got a good job, working at my mom and dad's law firm
"You got goals?" That's what she asked
"Yeah, I want to fill my home with platinum plaques
It takes hard work but you know it's coming after"
She said "Oh My God! You must be a famous rapper"

"I do alright, but I'm never satisfied
I'm told when you still love what you do, it never gets old
I strive for more but that's enough about me
Why don't we skip out the club, take a walk on the streets?"
We slipped outta the club with no worries
Seemed she wanted to get out in a hurry
We hung all night till we lost our friends
Until they caught us banging in the back of a Benz

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

What's your name? What's your number?
I would like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young
Girl give me a chance

Let's go!

Os Cypress Hill são um grupo de hip-hop latino formado em South Gate, região metropolitana de Los Angeles, Califórnia.
Foi também o primeiro grupo de hip-hop latino a obter disco de platina. O disco de maior sucesso foi "Los grandes exitos en espanhol".

DJ Muggs (Lawrence Muggerud, DJ e produtor)
B-Real (Louis Freese, rapper)
Sen Dog (Senen Reyes, rapper)
Eric Bobo (Eric Correa, percussionista) - entrou em 1994

Cypress Hill (1991)
Black Sunday (1993)
Legalized U.S.A (1993)
Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom (1995)
Unreleased & Revamped (1996)
Live At Festival Alternativo Crazy Rock (in Chile) (1996)
Cypress Hill IV (1998)
En Vivo - Obras (Live & Rare) (1998)
Los Grandes Exitos en Español (1999)
Skull & Bones (2000)
Live At The Fillmore (2000)
SEN DOG - Collabo Killa (2000)
The Instrumental Album (2001)
Stoned Raiders (2001)
Stash (EP) (2002)
Till Death Do Us Part (2004)
Still Smokin' - The Ultimate Video Collection (2004)
Greatest Hits From The Bong (2005)
The Gunslinger vol 1 (2005)
The Gunslingers vol 2 (2006)
Rare Conection
Rare & Unreleased
Cypress Thrill

Não quero desacreditar ninguém! Apenas faço o que pedem  . . . Opino!!!!

Vi este e achei muito giro, mas não o consigo por aqui, não tem url. mas vale a pena ver!!!

Supernatural Dean Singing Eye Of The Tiger FULL High Quality
Não quero desacreditar ninguém! Apenas faço o que pedem  . . . Opino!!!!

Bem, a próxima banda é tipo daquelas que ficarão para sempre na memória: System of a Down!!


System Of A Down - Chop Suey! live (HD/DVD Quality)
Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little, makeup
Hide the scars to fade away the, shakeup
(Hide the scars to fade away the)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to

I don't think you trust
In my self righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die

Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little, makeup
Hide the scars to fade away the, shakeup
(Hide the scars to fade away the)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table
You wanted to

I don't think you trust
In my self righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die
In my self righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die

Father, father, father, father
Father into your hands, I commend my spirit
Father into your hands
Why have you forsaken me?

In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken me, oh

Trust in my self righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die
In my self righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die

System of a down, (algumas vezes citados como S.O.A.D., ou System) formados em 1995 nos Estados Unidos (Los Angeles, California) na qual apareceram primeiramente como "Soil".

A banda consiste em Serj Tankian (vocal, teclado), Daron Malakian (guitarra, vocal), John Dolmayan (bateria) e Shavo Odadjian (baixo). Todos são descendentes de Arménios.

As letras de System of a Down são motivadas politicamente, o que é mais evidente nos álbuns Hypnotize e Mezmerize.

Os System of a Down fazem parte do Axis of Justice, uma organização sem fins lucrativos formada por Serj Tankian e Tom Morello, guitarrista das bandas Audioslave e Rage Against the Machine. A proposta é juntar músicos, fãs e pequenas organizações políticas para lutar pela justiça social. O grupo lançou cinco álbuns de estúdio, onze singles e dez vídeos musicais.

A banda foi uma das que lideraram o Ozzfest 2006, dando dezenas de concertos entre os meses de Junho e Agosto. Anunciaram durante esse período que entrariam em um "hiatus"(pausa) sem tempo determinado, para que cada membro pudesse cuidar de seus projectos pessoais.

A última actuação da banda foi em 13 de Agosto de 2006 em West Palm Beach, na Flórida. No final do concerto, os quatro membros abraçaram-se e curvaram-se perante os fãs como forma de agradecimento. "Hoje será o último concerto depois de tantos anos juntos. Voltaremos em breve. Só não sabemos quando" - palavras de Malakian.

Em 2007, o vocalista da banda Serj Tankian, lançou um álbum solo nomeado Elect the Dead, e o guitarrista Daron Malakian junto com o baterista John Dolmayan lançam um álbum com a sua outra banda, os Scars on Broadway.

1998 - System of a Down
2001 - Toxicity
2002 - Steal This Album!
2005 - Mezmerize
2005 - Hypnotize

Por aqui tem andado a rodar Epica, deixo aqui uma amostra que me tem deixado colado, fã completo :)

É só a musica, não a videoclip, no youtube tem o álbum todo ;)
Chasing The Dragon

Never Enough


Chasing The Dragon
Free my mind
Heal my scars
Erase the past
Dark days to forget
And memories to last
In my heart

Free me now

Make me forget
And forgive
There's no use
To go on and live
Show me a way
To the sun

Heal my scars

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

Let my eyes take in
The beauty that's here
That’s left on this earth
My ears long to hear
A melody

Give me sight

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

Poison is slowly seeping through my veins
Stealing the only dignity in me

I pick them up and let them fall
To cause your pain and hit them all

One more life to live is what I want

I’ll take the joy away from them
See to it, they will all be damned

One more chance to heal what I have harmed

The dragon is wreak havoc in my brain
Plays my emotion, a never ending game

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

One more life to live for me

I want the night just to colour the day
The morning to chase all my nightmares away
Don’t you deny that we're all human beings
We all have our flaws that can make ourself obscene


Give me what I want
Give me what I need right now
That’s what I want
That’s what I need, get it!

Dolendo novit mortalis vitam

Tell me what I want
Tell me what I need right now
That’s what I want
That’s all I need, cure me

Dolendo discit mori mortalis

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

Never Enough
Can't you hear me screaming, once again?
Voices you can't hear
Because you are consumed and incontent
With everlasting greed

Don't you see me on my hands and knees?
Begging and bleeding
You're smiling as you bite the hand that feeds
But will you never see?

Always wanting what your eyes can't see
needing what your arms can’t reach
Thinking you are in need
Always hearing what your ears can't hear
feeling what your hands can't touch
Thinking you’re incomplete

It was,
Never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you've put me through
(Never enough)
How can I make up my mind this time?
This is where I will draw the line

Sacrificed my life to be with you
Why did you leave me?
There's nothing more from me you can consume
Cause you are incomplete

Always wanting what your eyes can't see
needing what your arms can’t reach
Thinking you are in need
Always hearing what your ears can't hear
feeling what your hands can't touch
Thinking you’re incomplete

It was,
Never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you've put me through
(Never enough)
How can I make up my mind this time?
This is where I will draw the line

Everlasting need
Would you please?
Answer me and
Make me complete

Everlasting greed
Would you please?
Set me free
Fulfill all my needs and make complete

It was,
Never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you've put me through
(Never enough)
How can I make up my mind this time?
This is where I will draw the line

Never again will I be with you
No promise eternal carrying us through
I finally made up my mind this time
This is the end, I've drawn the line
Never enough to devour your greed


Não quero desacreditar ninguém! Apenas faço o que pedem  . . . Opino!!!!